Hi! I’m Oad! Right now, I’m focused on two things I enjoy: improving everyday processes to make them faster and more fun, and creating interactive tools that make learning engaging and exciting.
On this website, I share my mini pet projects and cool findings I’ve encountered along my learning and building journeys. You can also explore my work here.
MA1522 Common Mistakes
CS2100 Common Mistakes Part 1
CS2040S Common Mistakes
CS2040S Probem Sets Part 1
CS2030S Quizzes
Solving 2-Body Problem with RK4 in JavaScript
Astronomical POV on Galaxy10 Anomaly Detection
Interesting Problems from CS1231S Past Year Papers
ST1131 Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Computing
Implementation of Source §4 Streams from Scratch in JavaScript
MA1521 Calculus for Computing
CS1231S Discrete Structures